The idea was to use the logo for my garage band, Critter Jones (no, we weren't any good). I was getting into The White Stripes and punk art, so I was interested in high-contrast minimalistic designs. I wanted to play off the idea of a "critter" and for whatever reason a bunny popped into mind. I grabbed a guitar shape from google, because I still cannot for the life of me draw one freehand. (It's the curves! Screw up one side, and the whole thing is ruined!) I drew the bunny using a pen tool.
I had grand visions of the logo being used on buttons, round stickers, and painted on the bass drum. None of that happened, but I still wound up encircling the design with red - just in case merchandising would actually happen.
I actually thought it would be really cool and punk-rock to put an "x" in the eye to show that the rabbit was dead or a zombie or something. I started messing with the filters and one of them simplified the "x" into a soft circle. I printed out a sheet of paper with several variations in color and shape, and asked for opinions. I don't even think I went with the number one choice, but I picked the one that I use now.
I have been redesigning it on and off for a few years with a few touch ups. I simply call it "the Silent K Bunny". Once in a while there is some descriptive text saying it's a "Silent K Production" or something like that, but I happen to like the mystery of the logo - a textless bunny playing guitar.
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