Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Honest Ape Productions Presents: Zoo Fling 3D

I'm currently in a class called IM 313: Intermediate Interactive Media Authoring, which as it turns out is a big fancy way of describing a class that goes through the complete process of creating, designing, developing, and promoting a video game. There were three local "topics" to randomly chose from which required various levels of involvement or thematic punch. My group, upon naming ourselves Honest Ape Productions, received on a slip of paper the simple words Peoria Zoo. 

I took charge of the 2D art of the game, creating a GUI, menu screens, buttons, etc., in Photoshop that were given to our programmer. I also created our app icon, and dabbled in some sound effects.

The real brunt of the work actually came from creating the website, which I designed off of a free template and made various modifications. I learned a few new things for this, including some basic Java editing for the dynamic slider on the home page. I also used anchor tags for the first time, to link to sections on the page (so I only had to create 4 pages instead of 7.) I did all the artwork for the site, and wrote all the copy besides a few programming paragraphs and bios. I'm very happy with the website, and if you want to learn more about the game and the art for it, check it out!
